Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do Do Do Do Just Dance

I got my own copy of Just Dance for the Wii, it is way fun and gets me sweating. The best part? I dont want to stop! There is a lot of great songs to dance to, and you score points, so of course you want to do it again and get a better score! It has been colder here and too uncomfortable for a bike ride. I made an attempt the other day and i swore my ears were going to fall off. My new game is great since I have been stuck inside for the last couple days.
I have been doing very well with my eating habits! Late nights used to be hell for me, I would get bored or couldnt fall asleep and I would get a craving for something. But now when that happens my brain automatically squashes that thought. I have gotten to the point where I realize that a binge isnt going to do any good, I have a weigh in I have to think about! Besides, I would have to work twice as hard to get rid of all that food. So isnt it easier to just not do it?

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